Lord Cheese

CRank: 5Score: 10100

thats nonsense. Just because someone doesnt treat mgs4 as the pinnacle of gaming prowess does no harm to their credibility accept in the eyes of delierious fanboys.

5932d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

i know how long i played for.

i'm perfectly willing to accept my estimates are off (there was some install time in there too), but i wasnt making anything up.

5933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thinking? i'm sorry, despite mgs4 being a damn good game (best game i've played on the ps3 actually), the only thinking i did was wondering how to keep myself from accidentally skipping another hour long cutscene.

5933d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Kazuma - i'm not disagreeing with you that "playa" is a bit dumb. However, how can you refer to mgs as anything other than simple? How much actual thought does it take to get through? I've just started act 4, and other than a tiny bit of thought to work out which rocket launcher to use on raging raven, i've barely thought at all.

To call Gears "simple" is also a bit of a stretch. Granted, its much more on reflexes than thought, but in almost every fight you...

5933d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here we go again. Comparing mgs4 with gears is like comparing cricket and football. its a pointless excercise.

I like mgs4, but i also agree with cliffy. Fact is, i played it for nearly 90 minutes a couple of nights ago, and the only time i actually did anything was the 10 minute fight with raging raven. To me, i might as well play a couple of matches on pro evo soccer, then watch a dvd and i'll get the same amount of gameplay.

And contrary to many peoples commen...

5933d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

So we have exactly whats expected. We have a load of ps3 fanboys offending the paper, the writer, the family of the writer and the people that read it. We then have a load of xbox fanboys agreeing with the paper. Typical fanboy war. Pointless.

But what makes it worse is people are questioning the guys right to review a game. Anyone has every right to do it. you dont have to read it. If someone stands on a street corner shouting, do you have to listen to them? It doesnt get away...

5935d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

it would also mean itunes drm'd tracks streamable to the ps3...but maybe i'm dreaming....

6065d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what i love most is that an individuals opinion is somehow deemed as "wrong" by others. Quite frankly, people that dont respect the opinion of others deserve should at the very least be prevented from breeding. God forbid their offspring are as closed minded and intolerant as they are.

@Evil Zhuk - "this review fails" - fails what, please explain. Fails to express my opinion about the game? Err...no. Fails to be in reasonable english....nope, not there eithe...

6065d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

perfectly valid idea from my point of view, given BT are providing IPTV via the 360 anyway.

6068d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@heyheyhey - yeah, had wanted to write more but i was at work and my boss was lurking around

@actas123 - so because you THINK i dont like the genre, which i in fact do, i'm not entitled to an opinion? OK, so you're not entitled to say anything whatsoever about anything you dont like either. Deal?

I was write about the fanboys - just got a PM from the pathetic excuse for a human being zambrota, who accused me of not owning a ps3 and being an xbot. Funny that, cos...

6070d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

For me, a game has to have something special, an intangible quality that keeps me coming back, and makes me want to finish it. Ratchet and clank had that, call of duty 4 had that, but uncharted in my opinion, didnt. For me, any game that doesnt have that quality instantly takes a hit on how good I truly think it is.

I can completely see why so many people are showering praise on this game, there is a lot to be impressed with, but i just dont get a buzz from it like many others ...

6071d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

incorrect post

6071d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

i figured one of the rabid fanboys would come out with some comment like that. Anyone that doesnt give uncharted a 10/10 is dubbed an xbot. Thats why i spend all my time in the gamer zone now, i get to avoid you freaks, whether you're fans of the xbox or ps3.

6071d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Wow! Craptacular!

6075d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i love splinter cell games (they've always had the edge over Metal Gear Solid for me, although i can see why people would disagree), but I hope they dont use too much of the crowd mechanic from Assasins Creed in here like early designs seemed to suggest they were. While it was good in short doses, getting knocked over etc when trying to run just got frustrating and annoying.

I personally hope there is still a lot of use of light and shadow in the stealth element of the game - ...

6079d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

well, nobody ever said random mental thoughts have to be factually accurate, did they :O)

6080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i prefer powerstone.

6080d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

in my experience, a lot more of the sound comes from the dvd drive spinning, as opposed to anything else. Its very quiet when playing an xbla game, for instance.

6080d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm with you. Resistance wasnt that great. I personally thought VF5 was a better launch window title, and i've heard a lot of people say they prefer motorstorm.

RFOM wasnt a bad game, but i cant be bothered to finish it - suggests to me something isnt quite 100% right there. (Entirely personal opinion of course)

6080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm suffering from FPS burn-out to be honest. Played a tonne of them last year and i'm kind of lacking a great deal of enthusiasm for them. However, i wasnt the biggest fan of RFOM (still havent finished it because i got somewhat bored), so if i was only to buy one of the two i'd buy KZ2.

For me both have reasons NOT to get them, (lacklustre originals in both cases - my opinion, nothing more, so dont start any stupid personal attacks please) so i'm not all that excited by eith...

6080d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment